Turkey expects US to end partnership with PKK/PYD

By Merve Aydogan

ANKARA (AA) – Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Sunday said Turkey expects the U.S. to stop providing weapons to the PKK/PYD terrorist group.

In a news conference held ahead of his two-day official visit to the U.K., Yildirim commented on U.S. President Donald Trump's pledge to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on ending the supply of arms to the terrorist PKK/PYD and PKK/YPG in Syria.

“Since the very beginning, we have said that it is wrong for the U.S. to partner with PKK's cousin PYD/YPG in the fight against Daesh terrorist group, ” Yildirim said.

He added: “Our friend and ally [referring to the U.S.] told us every time that it was not an option rather an obligation. Since Daesh is now eliminated then this obligation has disappeared. ”

Yildirim urged the U.S. to “immediately ” end the partnership with PKK/PYD and return to its “real allies “.

The PYD and its military wing YPG are Syrian branches of the PKK terrorist network, which has waged war against Turkey for more than 30 years.

While recognizing the PKK as a terrorist group, the U.S. has treated the PKK/PYD/YPG as an ally in its anti-Daesh efforts.

Yildirim is expected to discuss regional matters concerning Syria and Iraq with U.K. Premier Theresa May.

“We will discuss the outcome of Sochi meeting, ” Yildirim said.

He will also meet business people in the U.K. and media representatives.

He said trade volume between Turkey and the U.K. will be discussed ahead of Brexit.

British voters opted to leave the EU in a referendum over a year ago and Brexit negotiations are supposed to be finalized in March 2019.