US: Trump in ‘excellent physical health’, doctor says

NEW YORK (AA) – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is “in excellent physical health”, his doctor of 36 years said in a letter published Thursday.

Trump, 70, is 6 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs 236 pounds, the letter by Dr. Harold Bornstein, dated Sept. 13, said.

But according to the World Health Organization standards, Trump is overweight and nearly obese with a body mass index (BMI) of 29.5.

A BMI of above 25 is considered overweight, and more than 30 is defined as obese.

Trump was hospitalized only once, the letter said, as an 11-year-old, to have his appendix removed.

He has no family history of premature cardiac or neoplastic disease, the letter added.

“He takes a lipid lowering agent (rosuvastatin) and a low dose aspirin,” the letter said. “He does not use tobacco products or alcohol.”

Trump recorded an interview Wednesday with Dr. Mehmet Oz, which will be aired Thursday afternoon.

“I feel as good today as I did when I was 30,” Trump tells Dr. Oz according to a teaser clip from the show.

The details in the letter comes a day after his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, released her medical records and her doctor declared her “fit to serve as the President of the United States”.

Clinton’s personal physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, said in a letter that accompanied the records, that her patient was “recovering well with antibiotics and rest” after she fell ill Sunday during a 9/11 memorial service at ground zero.

Her campaign said Clinton has “mild, non-contagious bacterial pneumonia”, and is being treated with an antibiotic called Levaquin, prescribed for 10 days.

She will return to the campaign trail Thursday, her campaign added.

Trump and Clinton, who turns 69 next month, are among the oldest presidential candidates in American history.

A president Trump would be the oldest ever, and Clinton would come in at second place after Ronald Reagan.