UK: Brexit bill to come before parliament

By Ahmet Gurhan Kartal

LONDON (AA) – A bill that will enable the U.K. government to initiate the country’s exit from the European Union was published Thursday.

The short legislation was submitted by the government following its defeated Supreme Court appeal case earlier this week.

That defeat meant U.K. lawmakers would be able to vote on whether to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and formally start Britain’s process of leaving the European Union.

“The European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill has been introduced to the House of Commons today, by Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union David Davis,” a government statement said.

“The straightforward Bill, which gives the Prime Minister the power to formally trigger Article 50, is expected to move through both the House of Commons and House of Lords before gaining Royal Assent prior to the March 31 deadline,” it added.

Davis said: “The British people have made the decision to leave the EU and this government is determined to get on with the job of delivering it.

“I trust that Parliament, which backed the referendum by six to one, will respect the decision taken by the British people and pass the legislation quickly.”

Britain’s lawmakers will debate the bill in the House of Commons soon, with the second reading to be on Jan. 30 and 31.

It will also have three days the following week for committee stage scrutiny.

A referendum held last June saw British voters decide to leave the 28-member Europe Union, a decision which led to the resignation of David Cameron as prime minister.

The ruling Conservative Party later nominated Theresa May as the new premier to lead the country’s exit negotiations with the EU.

However, a decision by the country’s High Court said the May government could not trigger Article 50 without parliament’s permission, but the government’s appeal to this decision was rejected at the Supreme Court on Tuesday.

May has insisted her government will trigger Article 50 and said last week that her administration will bring the final Brexit deal to the House of Commons for approval.