Trump signs order halting separation of families

By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) – President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday halting his administration's practice of separating undocumented parents suspected of crossing the border illegally, from their children.

Trump said last Friday he would be unable to remedy the situation through executive action, and it is unclear what has changed.

“It's about keeping families together, ” Trump said at the White House as he signed the order.

Trump earlier Wednesday said the then-looming action “ultimately will be matched by legislation ” after House Speaker Paul Ryan announced the House will vote Thursday on legislation to end the practice.

Trump's “zero tolerance ” policy refers all undocumented adults for criminal prosecution — a break with past administrations who limited criminal referral for most adults who illegally cross into the U.S. with their juvenile family members.

The children, who are not charged with a crime, were separated as a result of their parents' criminal case. As a matter of regulation, they were not allowed to be detained with their parents during legal proceedings.

Trump maintained Wednesday that the administration will continue to prosecute all adults who illegally cross into the United States.

“We're going to have very strong borders, but we're going to keep families together, ” he said.

Trump said he did not like “the sight or the feeling ” of the separations that have stirred widespread opposition to his administration's practice.