Ruling party officially contests Eskisehir poll results

By Deniz Acik and Emrah Yasar</p> <p>ISTANBUL (AA) – Turkey's ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party officially challenged poll results in Eskisehir province, according to provincial branch of the party on Tuesday.</p> <p>The Republican People’s Party (CHP) candidate Yilmaz Buyukersen bagged 285,588 votes, while ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party candidate Burhan Sakalli got 246,486 votes in the March 31 local elections, according to the unofficial results.</p> <p>Millions of Turkish voters cast their votes nationwide Sunday in elections to choose Turkey’s mayors, city council members, mukhtars (neighborhood officials) and members of elder councils for the next five years.</p> <p>Turkey's AK Party is leading in 15 metropolitan municipalities (larger cities), with 24 cities claimed by AK Party candidates, according to unofficial results.

*Writing by Sibel Morrow