Prominent Muslim lawyer shot dead at Myanmar airport

By Kyaw Ye Lynn

YANGON, Myanmar (AA) – A Muslim lawyer associated with the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) was shot dead at an airport in Myanmar’s former capital Yangon Sunday, according to a police official.

Ko Ni was a supreme court advocate and a legal adviser to NLD. Nay Myo Naing, a police officer in charge at the the Yangon international airport, said the lawyer had “died on the spot”.

“A nearby taxi driver also got shot as he fought back the gunman,” the officer told Anadolu Agency by phone, adding the driver died on way to the hospital.

The suspected gunman involved in the shooting was later apprehended from the crime scene. He was identified as Kyi Lin, 53, a resident of Mandalay, the second-largest city of Myanmar.

NLD spokesperson Nyan Win said Ko Ni had just returned from Indonesia along with government officials and other Myanmar Muslim leaders, including prominent student leader Mya Aye where went to learn about the country’s experience of national reconciliation.

“I have no idea who wants to kill him,” Nyan Win said by phone, adding the incident had left them in shock.