Presidents of US, Kenya hold telephone call

By Andrew Wasike

NAIROBI, Kenya (AA) – U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening phoned President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya to discuss bilateral ties, trade, regional security and terrorism.

In his third call to an African president since he took office, Trump assured Kenyatta of the U.S. support in fighting the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Shabab militant group.

A readout issued jointly by the State House in Nairobi and the White House said Trump “reaffirmed the strong bilateral relationship between our two countries.

“The two leaders discussed economic partnership and mutual dedication to overcoming terrorism and other regional security challenges through close cooperation,” it said.

It added that the U.S. president expressed appreciation for Kenya’s contributions to the African Union mission in Somalia and recognized Kenyan troops’ sacrifices in the fight against al-Shabaab.

The call comes weeks after Kenya was given the go-ahead by the Donald Trump administration to operate direct flights to the U.S.

Earlier this year, Trump spoke to Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari and South African President Jacob Zuma on phone and promised U.S. support in trade and security.