Pakistan allows Gen. Sharif to head 39-nation force

By Aamir Latif

KARACHI, Pakistan (AA) – Pakistan has allowed its former army chief General Raheel Sharif to lead a 39-nation alliance of Muslim states led by Saudi Arabia.

Defense Minister Khawaja Asif told local broadcaster Geo TV in an interview, to be aired on Sunday, that the government has agreed to issue a “ no-objection” certificate – a formal approval necessarily sought by a retired army officer to serve abroad- to Gen. Sharif to join the post.

In a promo of the interview posted on the Geo TV website on Saturday, minister Asif said that official documentation in this regard had not been done but the government had agreed in principle, adding that the government had received a written request from the Saudi government.

The minister further said that the structure of the alliance had not been decided so far. “When (Retd) General Raheel Sharif joins he will define a structure,” he said.

The Saudi Arabia-led alliance that includes countries like Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, Malaysia, UAE, and other Gulf and African countries, has been formed “to protect the Islamic nation from the evils of all terrorist groups and organizations,” mainly Daesh.

Iran, however, the Saudi Arabia’s arch rival, has not been made part of the alliance as the two sides differ far deep on regional conflicts from Iraq to Syria, and to Yemen.

The formation of the alliance, which has its headquarters in Riyadh, was announced by Saudi defense minister and deputy crown prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud at a press conference in 2015.

Credited by many for improving law and order in the country by launching a relentless military operation against militants in the isolated northwestern tribal belt, Gen. Sharif retired in September last year after completing a 3-year tenure. He had reportedly refused to accept an extension of his tenure.