Merkel: Brexit delay depends on UK parliament’s vote

By Ayhan Simsek</p> <p>BERLIN (AA) – German chancellor on Thursday backed British Premier Theresa May’s request for a short delay to Brexit, but also underlined that this would be conditional on a positive vote in the U.K. parliament.</p> <p>Addressing lawmakers at the Bundestag before heading to Brussels for a two-day EU summit, Angela Merkel said leaders of all other 27 EU member states would have intensive discussions today on May’s request to delay Brexit until June 30.</p> <p>“We can agree to this request, in principle, if we have a positive vote next week in the British parliament on the withdrawal documents,” she said.</p> <p>Merkel said the EU leaders might have to meet again next week if the British parliament would not vote on the Brexit documents or it would vote against the deal. </p> <p>After British lawmakers rejected her Brexit deal twice, May requested on Wednesday delaying the Brexit beyond the March 29 deadline.