Iraqi protestors set fire to public buildings in Basra

By Haydar Karaalp

BASRA, Iraq (AA) – A group of protestors on Thursday torched national TV facilities and some political parties' buildings in Iraq’s southern oil-rich town Basra.

They were protesting high unemployment, poor public services and corruption in Basra.

The protestors set fire to several office buildings used by Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq which backs pro-Iranian Shia militias, Supreme Islamic Council and National Wisdom Movement led by Ammar al-Hakim.

The office building of Dawa Party-led Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi was among those burnt by demonstrators.

Also, several demonstrators lit up a national TV broad cast truck in the town.

On Wednesday, the municipality building was ignited by protestors and video footages spread through social media.

There were reports of demonstrators moving towards Iranian Consulate General in Basra shortly after.

Since July 9, Basra and other southern and central Shia-majority provinces have witnessed ongoing protests which have spread to capital, Baghdad.

Demonstrators demand improved public services like water and electricity, more job opportunities and an end to government corruption.

Roughly 80 percent of Iraq’s overall crude oil exports originate from oilfields in Basra province.

For years, residents have complained that foreign nationals, rather than locals, were being employed by the domestic energy sector.

They also complain of frequent power outages amid summer temperatures that often reach as high as 50 degrees Celsius (122 F).