Erdogan: Trump reaffirmed Syria pullout, safe zone

By Satuk Bugra Kutlugun

ANKARA (AA) – In a phone call this week, the U.S. president reaffirmed the American troop pullout from Syria, as well as a 32-kilometer (20-mile) safe zone in Syria to be established by Turkey, said Turkey's president on Tuesday.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan made the remarks in an address to lawmakers of his Justice and Development (AK) Party at parliament in the capital Ankara.

On Monday Erdogan held a phone call with U.S. President Donald Trump, discussing the idea of a terror-free safe zone in northern Syria.

The phone call came after Trump threatened to “devastate Turkey economically if they hit Kurds, ” conflating “Kurds ” with the terrorist PKK/YPG, a conflation that Turkey has repeatedly criticized.

Turkey has dealt a heavy blow to the terrorist PKK/YPG in Afrin, Syria, and it will soon move to eliminate terrorist groups east of the Euphrates River, Erdogan added.

Erdogan also called on Kurdish people not to be deceived by terror groups, adding that Turkey is also a Kurds' state.