32 African parties convene in Khartoum

By Mohammed Amin

KHARTOUM (AA) – Representatives of 32 African political parties convened in the Sudanese capital Khartoum on Saturday to discuss ways of bolstering political cooperation on the continent.

Speaking at the opening of the 3rd General Assembly of the Council of the African political parties (CAPP), Sudanese Prime Minister Bakri Hassan Salih called for working to achieve unity between African nations.

He urged African countries to strengthen their domestic fronts against what he described as “imperialism” and “neo-colonialism”.

CAPP President Daies Mwila said the meeting was being held amid a critical situation on the African continent, citing political instability and civil wars.

During the meeting, attendees are to elect a new CAPP chairman, a deputy chairman as well as members of the executive committee.

Established in Khartoum in 2013, CAPP seeks to enhance political cooperation and unity between African countries.