YPG/PKK terrorists separate families in Syria’s Manbij

By Omer Koparan and Levent Tok

MANBIJ, Syria/ISTANBUL (AA) – Families in the northwestern Syrian city of Manbij are being forced apart due to YPG/PKK terrorism.

Residents of Tukar village, 16 kilometers (9.94 miles) north of Manbij, narrated how YPG/PKK terrorists separate children form their parents.

The village was liberated by Turkish-backed forces from Daesh during the Operation Euphrates Shield in 2017.

However, YPG/PKK terrorists seized the southern part of the village. The northern part is still under control of Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army forces.

The village is divided into the north and south by the Saju stream.

Locals say they are unable to visit their relatives or carry out agriculture activities in the terrorist-held area.

Village head Ibrahim Muhammed Milla said his family was divided as some of them were living in the part of the village occupied by the terrorists.

“When I want to visit my brother living in the same village they [PKK/YPG] ask for my ID card and check me, ” Milla said.

Milla owns land in south of Saju, which is now inaccessible.

– YPG/PKK loots houses and villages

Welcoming Turkey's entry in Manbij, Milla said: “For God's sake, we want to be freed from PKK.”

The Turkish and U.S. militaries began conducting patrols in Manbij on Monday in line with an agreed-upon roadmap for eliminating the terrorist presence and stabilizing the area.

The roadmap, which calls for the withdrawal of the YPG/PKK from Manbij, was unveiled after a June 4 meeting in Washington between Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Abu Diyab, originally form Shuyruk village but forced to reside in Tukar village due to YPG/PKK terrorism, said he wanted to return home.

“Our lands and houses are under the occupation of terrorists. We cannot go there. We want the place be cleared off PKK, to return to our houses,” he added.

Diyab said the terrorists also looted houses in the village they seized.

“PKK has taken away our household stuffs. They took away the doors and windows. We want the villages of Manbij to be cleared of terrorists, ” he said.

– Broken families

Um Eyham a resident of Tukar village was forced to migrate from her native village, first by Daesh and then YPG/PKK.

She fears for her life if she returns to her native village.

“We are living in Tukar village. My children and relatives are in PKK-held areas in Manbij. We cannot go to them in any way. We want Turkey and FSA to clean the area of PKK,” said Eyham.

Noting the terrorists open fire at the Turkish military and FSA, she said: “We cannot move, we are afraid. They can hit us. We do not know what to do. We just want safety. I hope Turkey and the FSA will clear this region from terrorists. ”