Women key to Turkey’s future: opposition CHP leader

By Onur Orhan and Emre Ayvaz

SAKARYA, Turkey (AA) – Women define the future of a country, Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader said Wednesday.

Speaking at a meeting to mark the international Women’s Day in northwestern Sakarya province, Kemal Kilicdaroglu said: “Turkey will become stronger if the interest of mothers is given more importance in the country’s politics.”

Kilicdaroglu said the intuition and power of women were stronger than men. “Woman can foresee and feel the risk and danger, men cannot do it.

“For this reason, the factor which defines the future of a country is women, so the women are very precious.”

International Women’s Day, celebrated each year on March 8, was born after the labor movements’ activities in the U.S. and Europe at the beginning of the 20th century.

The CHP leader also urged Turkish women to give a No vote in the upcoming referendum on constitutional reforms which will be held on April 16.

“Dear mothers, please think while going to the polls and casting your votes. Put your hand on your heart, please think for the sake of your children, family, flag and country,” he said.

Constitutional reforms and the change to a presidential system of governance has been on the political agenda since Erdogan, a former prime minister and Justice and Development (AK) Party leader, was elected president in August 2014.

This marked the first time a Turkish president had been directly chosen by popular vote.

On Jan. 20, lawmakers from the ruling AK Party and the opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) voted in favor of a new constitutional reform package.

Aside from the change to an executive presidency, other reforms include allowing the president to maintain party political affiliation.

There will be changes to Turkey’s highest judicial body, which would be renamed while retaining its independence and own budget.