WFP launches $253MN food program in Zimbabwe

By John Cassim

HARARE, Zimbabwe (AA) – The World Food Programme (WFP) and Zimbabwe’s government launched a $253 million, five-year plan to end hunger on Monday, amid claims donors would be able to track their funding.

WFP Zimbabwe Director Eddie Rowe said: “A new plan would be able to link results to allocated resources, a needs-based budget that has been developed and will allow every dollar to be tracked.”

According to the WFP, donors will be “able to see how much of their funds reach beneficiaries directly, as well as how much is allocated to operating and implementing costs”.

Zimbabwe has been affected by perennial hunger, affecting nearly two million citizens, following an early-2000s land-reform programme.

However, concerns over accountability were raised, resulting in the UN taking over resource mobilization and relief distribution through various agencies.

It is thought around 40 percent of Zimbabwe’s 13-million-strong population require urgent food assistance.