US stock market opens higher with Trump, Democrats deal

By Ovunc Kutlu

NEW YORK (AA) – The stock market opened higher Thursday after President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders agreed on Wednesday to raise the country’s debt ceiling.

The Dow Jones rose 23 points to begin the day at 21,830 points, and the S&P 500 added 2 points to open at 2,468 points.

The Nasdaq climbed 7 points to start trading at 6,400 points.

Trump and Democratic leaders agreed Wednesday to raise the U.S.’ debt ceiling for another three months, which will continue to provide funding for the federal government until mid-December.

The agreement is also seen by the market and investors as a promising move, showing that Trump and the Democrats can find consensus on some common grounds.

The president is expected to announce his much-anticipated tax reform plan later this month, and it will require bipartisan support to pass Congress.