US says China, Russia halted resolution on Iraq embassy

By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) – The U.S. accused Russia and China on Monday of blocking a resolution condemning the attack on Washington's Baghdad embassy.

The U.S. mission to the UN said Moscow and Beijing did not allow the statement to proceed through the Security Council, saying the move prevented the body from issuing "the most basic of statements underscoring the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises."

"Such expressions of support should not be controversial or warrant courage," the mission said. "As we have demonstrated, we will not tolerate attacks on U.S. personnel and facilities and will respond decisively to protect our interests, citizens, and allies."

The attack last Tuesday followed airstrikes the U.S. carried out on an Iran-backed Iraqi militia in retaliation for rocket attacks on a U.S. base that killed a civilian contractor and injured several service members.

The U.S. on Friday then carried out an airstrike that killed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, who the U.S. accused of approving the embassy attack.

Soleimani's death has put the U.S. and Iran on the brink of war.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who bestowed the country's highest honor on Soleimani last year, has vowed "severe retaliation" in response to his killing as Trump has vowed to respond in kind.

Soleimani was the long-time commander of the Quds Force, the unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps tasked with carrying out its external operations.