US: Afghanistan engagement to continue after withdrawal

By Servet Gunerigok

WASHINGTON (AA) – The US will continue to be engaged in Afghanistan after its troops withdraw, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Wednesday.

Speaking at a news conference, Psaki said the US did what it intended to do in Afghanistan.

"We delivered the justice to those who attacked us on September 11, [and] we disrupted terrorists seeking to use Afghanistan as a safe haven to attack the United States," she said at a news conference

She said President Joe Biden believes there is no military solution to the Afghan war, which she said would require a diplomatic solution.

"And even as we are withdrawing our troops, we will continue to support diplomatic and humanitarian work," said Psaki. "We will ask other countries to step up whether that's Pakistan, Russia, China, India, Turkey, countries in the region, that certainly have a stake in stability."

She said the US will continue to provide significant humanitarian resources.

"So, we will continue to be engaged, This is the president's assessment," she added.