UPDATE – Terror to lose in Turkey, says deputy PM


By Ali Kemal Akan

MALATYA, Turkey (AA) – All terror groups will be “brought to their knees” in Turkey, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said Wednesday after two soldiers were martyred in the country’s southeast.

Kurtulmus condemned the terrorist PKK’s morning attack on a security convoy while speaking at the opening ceremony of an academy for mukhtars (neighborhood heads) at Inonu University in eastern Malatya province.

“All terrorist organizations will be brought to their knees,” he said.

“We will render all terrorist organizations no longer able to harm our people in Turkey,” he added.

Earlier on Wednesday, an explosive was detonated by PKK terrorists while a security convoy was passing by on a highway linking the provinces of Mardin and Diyarbakir.

More than 1,200 people, including security force personnel and civilians, have lost their lives since the PKK — listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States, and the European Union — resumed its decades-old armed campaign in July 2015.

– ‘We will never forget this fascist practice’

Turkish Deputy PM also commented on the diplomatic crisis between Turkey and the Netherlands.

“We will reveal a strong and great Turkey. By doing so, we will never forget the barbarism, disgrace and fascist practice that we encountered in the Netherlands,” he said, referring to the incidents over the weekend.

On Saturday, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was refused permission to land in the Netherlands and Family and Social Affairs Minister Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya was forced to leave the country under police escort after being blocked from entering Turkey’s consulate in the Dutch city of Rotterdam.

When Turkish citizens in Rotterdam tried to peacefully protest, they were met by police using batons, dogs and water cannons, in what some analysts called a disproportionate use of force.

The incidents drew strong criticism from Ankara, including diplomatic notes sent to the Netherlands in protest.

Kurtulmus said that the best response to the Dutch attitude towards Turkey would be given with a Yes vote at the upcoming April 16 constitutional referendum in Turkey.

Both Cavusoglu and Sayan Kaya were scheduled to address the Turkish community ahead of the vote.