UPDATE – ‘Ankara, Bishkek need to collaborate against terror'


By Ilkay Guder

ANKARA (AA) – Ankara and Bishkek need to collaborate against global terror to ensure people’s safety, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday.

“We need to collaborate and fight against the global terror threat to ensure the safety of our nations, ” Erdogan wrote in an article for the Erkin Too newspaper ahead of his visit to Kyrgyzstan.

Erdogan will pay a visit to Kyrgyzstan between Sept. 1 and 3 to attend the High-Level Strategic Council and 6th Turkic Council Summit.

The president said the Fetullah Terror Organization (FETO) is not only a threat for Turkey but is also a global terror threat like Daesh and the PKK/YPG for the whole world.

Erdogan also said Turkey is increasing its investments abroad and opens doors for businessmen who want to benefit from the “advantageous investment environment ” in the country.

“Our fundamental aim is to base our relations with every single country that we cooperate with on the mutual win-win principle, ” he said.

Erdogan added that Turkey and Kyrgyzstan have “many opportunities ” that will benefit their ties.

“I am sure that conducting international trade with [our] domestic currencies, which we have already put into practice with some countries, will lead to fruitful results also for Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, ” he said.

The president added that Ankara does not base bilateral relations with Bishkek solely on the economy.

He said Turkey hosts around 1,700 Kyrgyz students and has so far given scholarships to 4,375 other Kyrgyz students.

“We need to join forces and fight against global problems such as terror, climate change and xenophobia that our country also suffers from, ” Erdogan said.

He added that the two countries need to work in the areas of culture, education, science and sports.