UN suspends aid deliveries in Syria after convoy attack

By Fatih Erel

GENEVA (AA) – The U.N. on Tuesday suspended all aid delivery operations in Syria following a regime airstrike a day earlier on a humanitarian convoy in the country.

“As an immediate security measure, other convoy movements in Syria have been suspended for the time being, pending further assessment of the security situation,” UN spokesman Jens Laerke told a press conference at the U.N. Office at Geneva on Tuesday.

“We remain committed to stay and deliver to everybody in need in Syria,” Laerke said.

On Monday, a UN convoy that was delivering humanitarian aid to nearly 275,000 victims besieged in Aleppo was hit.

There are conflicting reports about casualties, as the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed 12 people, including air workers and truck drivers, were killed in the attack. Media reports said 18 of a total of 31 trucks were struck.