UK defense minister in Baghdad to meet Iraqi officials

By Ali Jawad

BAGHDAD (AA) – British Defense Minister Michael Fallon arrived in Baghdad on Thursday to discuss bilateral security cooperation with Iraqi officials.

“While in Baghdad, Fallon is slated to meet several officials, including Irfan al-Hayali, his Iraqi counterpart, and Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, ” a Foreign Ministry source told Anadolu Agency.

“Talks will likely revolve around British military and security support for Iraq in the post-Daesh era, ” the same source said, speaking anonymously due to restrictions on talking to media.

In recent months, the Daesh terrorist group has suffered a string of major defeats in both Iraq and Syria after overrunning vast swathes of territory in both countries in mid-2014.

Fallon last visited Iraq in September to discuss the war against Daesh with Iraqi military officials.

The following month, U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May visited Baghdad for talks with Iraqi counterpart Haider al-Abadi.

Britain is a member of an international military coalition cobbled together in late 2014 to fight Daesh in Iraq and Syria.