UEFA urges completion of top domestic football play

By Fatih Erel

ISTANBUL (AA) – UEFA on Tuesday "strongly" recommended the completion of domestic top division and cup competitions but European football's governing body also opened the door for leagues to cancel their seasons in "special cases" amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The recommendation came after UEFA met its 55 European member associations via videoconferencing to discuss European football's future amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

"A variety of calendar options were presented covering both national team and club competition matches," UEFA said in a statement on Tuesday following the meeting.

A growing number of sporting events, including UEFA competitions, have been suspended or rescheduled as the world struggles to curb the spread of the virus.

"There was a strong recommendation given to finish domestic top division and cup competitions, but some special cases will be heard once guidelines concerning participation to European competitions – in case of a cancelled league – have been developed," UEFA said.

"Any decisions on the above topics would be announced after the UEFA Executive Committee on Thursday," UEFA added.

On March 19, in light of the danger posed by the coronavirus pandemic, Turkey suspended all competitions in four major sports: football, basketball, handball, and volleyball.

Globally, the virus has infected some 2.5 million people and claimed more than 170,000 lives, according to figures compiled by the U.S.’ Johns Hopkins University.