Turkish soldier killed while investigating lifeboat

HATAY, Turkey (AA) – A Turkish soldier was killed and a fisherman injured Sunday as the Coast Guards were investigating a lifeboat near the Cevlik coast of the southern Hatay province’s Samanlik district.

The Turkish Coast Guards rushed to Cevlik Coast after a fisherman reported a boat afloat with two people lying still on it.

The lifeboat exploded while the squads were carrying out investigations inside it, killing a Coast Guard soldier, the Hatay governor Ercan Topaca said at a press meeting.

Topaca also said the squads had found two dead bodies on the boat, which were lost after the explosion.

“The Coast Guards found one of the lost bodies and the investigation to find the identity of the found body has started,” Topaca added.

Topaca said search efforts to find the other body were ongoing.

Extensive security measures were taken around the scene.