Turkish president attends G20 summit via video link

By Sefa Mutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) – Turkey's president on Thursday took part in an extraordinary meeting of leaders of the G20 economic bloc focusing on the coronavirus pandemic.

Via videoconferencing, Recep Tayyip Erdogan took part in the meeting from Huber Palace in Istanbul.

Accompanying Erdogan were Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Finance and Treasury Minister Berat Albayrak, Communications Director Fahrettin Altun, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin and Turkey’s G20 Sherpa Hayrettin Demircan.

In addition to Turkey, the G20 leaders include Germany, the U.S., Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Indonesia, France, South Africa, South Korea, India, Italy, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the EU.

* Writing by Dilara Hamit