Turkish PM discusses new bridge with SKorean minister

By Sarp Ozer

ANKARA (AA) – Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has received a South Korean minister visiting Turkey for the signing ceremony of a new bridge-highway project on the Canakkale (Dardanelles) strait.

A prime ministry source who spoke on condition of anonymity said Yildirim met South Korean Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kang Ho-in in the capital Ankara on Thursday.

In addition to the 10.35 billion Turkish lira ($2.80 billion) Canakkale 1915 bridge project, they also discussed the trade deficit, an increase in investments and tourism, and the fight against Fetullah Terrorist Organization, or FETO.

They stressed that Turkey and South Korea should improve bilateral relations based on their historical friendship and solidarity in all areas, the source added.

Earlier this year, a Turkish and South Korean consortium won a tender for the 2,023-meter (6,637-feet) bridge project in northwestern Canakkale province planned to connect the towns of Lapseki and Gelibolu.

Construction is set to start March 18, with the Canakkale 1915 bridge’s opening planned for 2023 when the country marks the centennial of the Republic of Turkey.

The 1915-1916 Battle of Canakkale in the Gelibolu (Gallipoli) peninsula ended with the defeat of Allied Forces to the Ottoman forces.