Turkish parliamentary committee to visit Iran

By Muhammet Emin Avundukluoglu

ANKARA (AA) – A delegation of the Turkish parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee will visit Iranian capital Tehran soon, according to the committee head Tuesday.

Volkan Bozkir made the remarks before meeting Iran's ambassador to Ankara, Mohammad Ebrahim Taherian Fard. No specific date of the visit was announced.

Bozkir said the ambassador had formally invited the committee to Iran, for which they were pleased and honored.

He said Turkey desired peace and stability in Iran, and wanted the welfare of its neighboring country to increase.

Referring to recent anti-government protests in Iran, Bozkir highlighted the role of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's remarks in controlling the situation.

“His remarks played an important role” in calming the protesters, he said.

On Sunday, Rouhani warned Iranians against the ongoing anti-government protests across the country.

“We should avoid putting the country in a situation that would allow enemies to take advantage, ” Rouhani said following a Cabinet meeting.

On Dec. 28, 2017, thousands took to the streets in Iran’s northeastern cities of Mashhad and Kashmar to protest against rising inflation, unemployment and perceived government mismanagement.

The protests later turned into anti-regime rallies, spreading to the Tehran, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Zanjan, Ahvaz and Arak provinces.

More than 20 people were killed in the demonstrations, including at least one police officer, while more than 1,000 others were detained by authorities.

Bozkir said Turkey would continue to make efforts to increase political, economic and cultural cooperation with Iran.

Meanwhile, Fard said Turkish parliament's contribution to improving relations between the two countries was important for Iran.

He thanked Turkish authorities for their “correct remarks ” on the situation in Iran.