Turkish Deputy PM hits out at lira pessimism

By Muhammed Ali Gurtas

ANKARA (AA) – A senior Turkish politician on Thursday described the mood surrounding the country’s ongoing currency fluctuations as a “glass-half-empty stance”.

Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek also said people should trust decisions being made by the country’s central bank.

“The run on the lira is a glass-half-empty stance. Even with occasional delays, the central bank has acted in the past.

“It should and will act again,” said Simsek.

Simsek — who tweeted the remarks in response to online comments from London-based Nomura International strategist Timothy Ash — said price stability was among the fundamental priorities of Turkey’s economy.

Simsek also wrote: “Dust will settle, fundamentals matter.”

In earlier tweets, Ash had stressed the Turkish economy’s positives, such as: sound public finances; strong banks and pro-business culture; diversified trade and entrepreneurial spirit.