‘Turkish Cypriots as legitimate as Greek Cypriots’

By Busra Nur Cakmak

ANKARA (AA) – Turkish Cypriots are as legitimate as Greek Cypriots in Cyprus, said the president of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) on Saturday.

Speaking at Antalya Diplomacy Forum, Ersin Tatar said, most of the people do not know the Cyprus issue and some Europeans only listen to the Greek Cypriot side and they do not deign to listen to the Turkish Cypriots.

After decades of failed negotiations, the Turkish Cypriot side will accept a bi-communal, bi-zonal federal solution, said Tatar.“ The Greek Cypriots have no intention of reaching a compromise with the Turkish Cypriots since they became an EU member. I said this at the UN-led meeting in Geneva in April,” he said.

“We want to be treated on an equal basis with Greek Cypriots internationally. Unless the UN ensures our equality in terms of sovereignty, we will not start formal negotiations. Of course, we will continue informal talks. But there is no point in starting official talks unless the sovereignty of Turkish Cypriots is recognized,” he added.

Tatar said: “Turkish Cypriots want to be a part of the international community. We deserve it.”

In 1974, a Greek Cypriot coup aiming at Greece’s annexation led to Turkey’s military intervention as a guarantor power. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was founded in 1983.

The Greek Cypriot administration, backed by Greece, became a member of the EU in 2004, although most Greek Cypriots rejected a UN settlement plan in a referendum that year, which had envisaged a reunited Cyprus joining the EU.