Turkish, Bulgarian aid agencies collaborate with depot

By Ihvan Radoykov

SOFIA, Bulgaria (AA) – The Turkish Red Crescent on Monday supplied a new Bulgarian Red Cross emergency material depot in Bulgaria's capital Sofia.

The project began in a comprehensive collaboration between the two aid agencies in 2016, aiming to provide early response and transport humanitarian aid to the entire Balkan region in case of accident or natural disaster.

A delegation headed by Kerem Kinik, head of the Turkish Red Crescent, on Monday brought six truckloads of materials to the depot established in the village of Lozen near Sofia.

The Turkish Red Crescent initially dispatched 500 tents measuring 16.5 square meters (17.22 feet), 4,080 blankets, 1,500 beds, 500 kitchen sets, and 500 heaters. The aid agency also said it will provide 500 hygienic kits to the aid depot.

“Disasters do not recognize any religion, language, or race, and have no limits, ” Kinik told Anadolu Agency.

He added that two more truckloads will soon reach Bulgaria. The aid provided from the Turkish Red Crescent could initially meet the needs of 2,500 people, he added.

“Our collaboration in this region is not only to create a positive effect in Bulgaria but across the entire Balkans, ” he said.

Bulgarian Red Cross head Hristo Grigorov also said: “We want to lend a helping hand to the entire region with my colleague Kinik. Our productive collaboration is key to a more happy future. ”