Turkish army ‘remains strong’ despite coup attempt

ANKARA (AA) – The cross-border operation in Syria proves that the Turkish military has maintained its might despite the July 15 coup attempt, Turkey’s top general said Monday.

“The Operation Euphrates Shield, launched after last month’s nefarious attempt, proves that the Turkish Armed Forces have not lost their strength, and will get even stronger as it is cleared off the traitors embedded within,” Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar said in an Aug. 30 Victory Day statement published on the military’s website.

Over 3,700 military personnel including generals and commissioned officers have been discharged from the army as part of a probe into the coup attempt.

Akar said that no single person or organization could have an influence on the Army except for “legal hierarchy”, and the Turkish Armed Forces would never allow any illegal organizations exert any influence over it.

He added the coup attempt would take its place in history as a “lesson to those who harbor treacherous intentions”.

Akar said the Turkish Armed Forces would continue to fight against all terrorist organizations that threaten “our national unity and sovereignty”, “until not a single terrorist is left on our soil”.

Turkey’s government has said the defeated coup, which left 240 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured, was organized by followers of Fetullah Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania since 1999.

Gulen is accused of leading a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and judiciary.

Tuesday, Turkey marks the 94th anniversary of the decisive battle in the War of Independence — the Battle of Dumlupinar in 1922 against Greek forces.