Turkish airstrikes in north Iraq kill 4 PKK terrorists

By Sertac Bulur

ANKARA (AA) – Turkish airstrikes have “neutralized ” four PKK terrorists in northern Iraq, the General Staff said Monday.

Turkish authorities often use the word “neutralized ” in their statements to imply the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

In a post on Twitter, the Turkish General Staff said fighter jets had conducted airstrikes on Monday in northern Iraq’s Zap-Avasin Basyan regions.

In recent days, Turkish officials have suggested that the Mt. Qandil region — where the terrorist group has its headquarters — may be the target of a future operation.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK — listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU — has been responsible for the death of some 40,000 people.