Turkey’s CHP leader warns against ‘one-man rule’

By Kadir Yildiz

KOCAELI, Turkey (AA) – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s “one-man rule” will harm Turkey and democracy in the country, main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu claimed on Monday.

Addressing representatives of non-governmental organizations in northwestern Kocaeli province, Kilicdaroglu said it is essential for everyone to clearly understand the consequences of the upcoming referendum next Sunday.

“One-man rule will harm the country. In a democratic system, when one institution makes mistake the other one corrects it. [But] It is not possible to correct the mistakes that he [the president] makes in a one-man rule. The citizens will foot the bill,” he said.

The CHP chairman urged every citizen who cared about the country’s future to participate in the referendum and vote No. “If you think this country needs democracy, law and justice, you must say No,” he added.

Next Sunday, Turkish voters will be asked to vote Yes or No to an 18-article constitutional reform bill which would shift the country from a parliamentary system of governance to a presidential one.

The Yes campaign is backed by the ruling AK Party and opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), while the CHP has argued against the changes.