Turkey slams propaganda against Afrin operation

By Meltem Bulur

ANKARA (AA) – Turkey's Foreign Ministry on Friday slammed defamatory publications and black propaganda against the ongoing Operation Olive Branch in Syria's Afrin.

In a statement, Foreign Ministry's spokesman Hami Aksoy said propaganda has been made that Operation Olive Branch is targeting civilians in Afrin.

“During the implementation of the operation, only terrorist organizations PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG and Daesh elements, as well as their positions, shelters and weapons located in Afrin region are targeted, ” the statement said, adding utmost importance has been given to ensure that no civilian is harmed.

“Actually, PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG are using civilians as human shields, not letting them to flee the area and even force underage persons to take up arms and drag them to conflict areas, as well as pushing Daesh members to fight along with them, ” said Aksoy.

“Religious and cultural sites, historical artifacts and archaeological remains, as well as public service facilities within the area of Operation Olive Branch​ are definitely not among the targets of Turkish Armed Forces elements, ” he said.

“Any ammunition prohibited by international law and agreements, such as napalm, chemical, biological, etc. are not being used by our Air Forces. Such ammunitions do not exist in the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces, ” Aksoy added.

The spokesman added Turkey shows the same sensitivity towards civilians in Afrin which they showed during Operation Euphrates Shield against Daesh terrorist group.