Turkey sets up camps for Syrians fleeing Eastern Ghouta

By Zuhal Kocalar

GAZIANTEP, Turkey (AA) – The Turkish Red Crescent has set up two more camps for those fleeing parts of Eastern Ghouta controlled by Syria's Bashar al-Assad, an official from the aid agency said Wednesday.

Kadir Akgunduz, the aid group’s Syria field coordinator, told Anadolu Agency that the camps, boasting a 500 and 1,200-person capacity respectively, were set up in the war-torn country’s cities of Azaz and Idlib.

The number of camps will be increased, Akgunduz added.

“As long as there is a need for camps, we will continue setting up camps,” he said.

Apart from Turkish Red Crescent, other aid organizations are also helping people who are fleeing Eastern Ghouta, he added.

According to the Syrian Civil Defense, also known as the White Helmets, Assad regime forces used toxic gas to strike targets in eastern Ghouta's Douma district on Saturday, killing at least 78 civilians.