Turkey reports 1,615 new coronavirus patients

By Merve Aydogan

ANKARA (AA) – Turkey reported 1,615 new patients of the novel coronavirus and 1,398 more recoveries over the past 24 hours, the country's Health Ministry said on Thursday.

The overall patient count now stands at 330,753, with recoveries totaling 290,352, according to ministry data.

Some 117,101 more COVID-19 tests were conducted over the past 24 hours, bringing the overall tally to over 11.27 million.

The death toll from the virus reached 8,667, with 58 more fatalities.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said on Twitter the downward trend in the number of patients in critical condition continues, adding that contact tracing and isolation can keep the pandemic under control.

The figures also showed that the number of patients in critical condition currently stands at 1,403, while 6.2% suffer from pneumonia this week.

Across the world, COVID-19 has claimed more than 1.05 million lives in 188 countries and regions since last December.

The US, India, and Brazil are currently the worst-hit countries.

Over 36.28 million cases have been reported worldwide, with recoveries surpassing 25.28 million, according to figures compiled by the US-based Johns Hopkins University.