Turkey needs to be ready for tomorrow: Business-body

By Erdal Celikel and Aysenur Saglam

ANKARA (AA) – Turkey's vision needs to focus on transformation and preparedness for the future, head of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD) said on Wednesday.

The geographical location is not important any more, countries which specialize in innovation and research and development are ready for tomorrow, Erol Bilecik said, speaking at the Digital Transformation and Smart Systems Conference.

“Fast countries are more successful than strong countries in this age, ” he said.

In 2020, key skills that drive the economy will be problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity.

He also noted that Turkey is in a difficult period and it needs to make structural reforms immediately.

According to a statement, Bilecik praised Turkey's 2023 Education Vision announced on Tuesday, calling it a positive step for quality education.

“Education will carry forward our targets in the scientific, social, economic and democratic fields, ” he said.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced a number of new benefits for Turkish teachers as well as a new series of regulations on Turkey’s schooling system as part of the National Education Ministry’s “2023 vision “.