Turkey: Motor vehicle registrations down in June

By Tuba Sahin

ANKARA (AA) – The number of motor vehicle registrations in Turkey decreased 17 percent year-on-year in June, the country’s statistics authority revealed on Wednesday.

A total of 95,608 first- and second-hand vehicles were registered in the sixth month of the year, according to Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat).

Compared to the previous month, motor vehicle registration slipped by 13.5 percent.

“The total number of road motor vehicles registered to the traffic reached 21,643,213 by the end of June,” TurkStat said.

In June, automobiles accounted for most new registrations — 53.9 percent — while small trucks accounted for 16.4 percent. Motorcycles represented 14.1 percent.

In terms of distribution of model brands for new registered cars in the month, 15.8 percent were Renault; 11.1 percent Fiat and 10.8 percent Volkswagen.

In the first half of the year, the number of motor vehicles registered in the county reached 601,923, down from 619,196 during the same period last year.