Turkey lauds Kazakhstan’s solidarity against FETO

By Aliia Raimbekova

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (AA) – Turkey’s deputy parliament speaker Monday praised Kazakhstan’s cooperation in the fight against FETO, the group blamed for the defeated coup attempt in Turkey this July 15.

“It’s pleasing to know that our fellow and ally Kazakhstan is beside us in fighting one of our biggest enemies, a terrorist organization that extends into many countries. Our collaboration with Kazakhstan continues on rooting away this dangerous terrorist organization,” said Mehmet Akif Hamzacebi in the capital Astana, attending a conference marking Kazakhstan’s achievements since it gained independence 25 years ago as well as its future.

Telling how Turkey was the first country to recognize Kazakhstan’s independence, Hamzacebi added, “The high-level strategic cooperation council established in the year 2012 indicates that the relationship between our two countries has reached the level of strategic partnership.”

Hamzacebi also praised Kazakhstan’s constructive policy on regional and international issues besides peacemaking and nuclear disarmament, lauding its temporary seat on the UN Security Council in 2017-2018.

Commending Kazakhstan’s active fight against international terrorism, violence, and intolerance while promoting dialogue and consensus, Hamzacebi said that Turkey will continue to support these efforts.

Hamzacebi said Turkey’s participation in the EXPO 2017 fair in Astana will help make the event successful.

On FETO’s coup attempt, Hamzacebi told how Turkish citizens risked their own lives to thwart the vicious attack on democracy and the unity of the nation.

Led by U.S.-based Fetullah Gulen, FETO is accused of orchestrating Turkey’s July 15 coup plot as well as being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through infiltrating Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and the judiciary.

The July 15 defeated coup left 248 martyred and nearly 2,200 wounded.

Saying that the Turkic Council founded by Turkey and Kazakhstan reflects a common understanding and will of the region’s prosperity and stability, Hamzacebi added, “The International Turkic Academy under the Turkic Council will play a big role in researching common culture and heritage and passing it down to future generations.”

Other distinguished guests at the conference included Nurlan Nigmatulin, speaker of the Kazakh lower house Majilis, Russian Duma Deputy Speaker Vladimir Vasilyev, Finnish Parliament First Deputy Speaker Mauri Pekkarinen, and EU Special Representative for Central Asia Peter Burian, along with many ministers and deputies.