Turkey calls for abolishing health restrictions on Gaza

By Fatih Erel

GENEVA (AA) – Turkey on Tuesday urged the World Health Organization and other UN agencies to take measures to stop restrictions on the movement of patients, health staff and essential medicines in the besieged Gaza Strip.

“People in the occupied Palestine territory are in dire need of medicines, medical equipment and beds, ” Turkish Health Ministry Undersecretary Eyup Gumus said on Tuesday at the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) 71st annual World Health Assembly in Geneva.

Noting the recent Israeli attacks which killed scores of people and injured about 3,000 people within the last week, Gumus said: “The restrictions imposed on the movement of patients, health staff, essential medicine and medical consumables have hindered the functioning of health system.

“These restrictions are illegal, inhumane and unacceptable.

“Turkey made every effort to transfer injured and deliver supplies, but restricted by occupying country and some neighboring countries. ”

He urged the world to take notice of the suffering of Palestinians.

“I invite WHO and other UN agencies to take necessary steps. I also invite all countries to not stay silent for people suffering in Gaza, ” he said.

About health services for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Gumus said: “We leave no one behind, we provide health services to around 4 million Syrian refugees in Turkey free of charge and in the same quality that we provide to our citizens. ”

At least 65 Palestinians were martyred by Israeli gunfire during protests in eastern Gaza on May 14. Thousands more were injured.

The demonstration coincided with the Nakba, and relocation of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Since the Gaza rallies began on March 30, more than 110 Palestinian demonstrators have been martyred by Israeli army gunfire.