Turkey: 42 historical artifacts seized in Istanbul raid

By Halil Demir

ISTANBUL (AA) – At least 42 historical artifacts were seized and a suspect arrested in an operation in Istanbul, a security source said on Wednesday.

Anti-smuggling teams raided a warehouse in the Arnavutkoy district of the metropolis on Tuesday, the source said on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

They had been tipped off that a criminal group was attempting to smuggle historical artifacts overseas, the source said.

The recovered pieces are believed to date back to between 2200 B.C. and 1400 A.D.

They include 39 amphoras used in the ancient Greek cities of Miletos, Rhodes, Knidos, Crimea, and Ganos for storing wine and olive oil, a T-shaped cast iron anchor, and two wooden anchors.

The artifacts, which had been found from wreckages of sunken ships, will be handed over to the Istanbul Archeology Museum.

* Writing by Merve Aydogan