Tripoli gov't to sue Haftar at ICC over rocket attacks

By Walid Abdullah

TRIPOLI (AA) – The head of the UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli on Wednesday vowed to sue Khalifa Haftar, commander of East Libya-based forces, before the International Criminal Court (ICC) over deadly rocket attacks in the capital.

The remarks by Fayez al-Sarraj — who also chairs Libya's Presidential Council — came in the wake of rocket attacks that left six civilians dead and at least 35 injured.

“Haftar's brutal and barbaric shelling on Abu Salim and Al-Intisar districts manifest his brutality, ” al-Sarraj said, describing Haftar as a “war criminal “.

Al-Sarraj asserted that his government will lodge legal files that document the violations committed by Haftar at ICC.

The attacks came amid fighting in the capital since Haftar launched a military campaign earlier this month to capture Tripoli, where the GNA is based.

On Monday, the GNA said at least 76 people, including 24 civilians, had been killed since clashes erupted in the surroundings of Tripoli.

Since the 2011 ouster of late strongman Muammar Gaddafi, two seats of power have emerged Libya: one in eastern Libya, and another in Tripoli, which enjoys UN’s recognition.