Top Turkish, US officials speak over phone

By Ozcan Yildirim

ANKARA (AA) – Turkey's presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin on Tuesday held a phone conversation with US National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien, according to an official statement.

The two officials discussed various issues including recent developments in Syria and Libya, the fight against terror, the COVID-19 pandemic, and economic relations between the two countries.

It was stated that the necessary conditions for sustainable cease-fire in Libya should be maintained, the security concerns of the UN-recognized Libyan government should be addressed, and the negotiation process should be resumed.

It was emphasized that legitimate and reliable actors should be supported in order to promote a political solution under the leadership of the UN.

The internationally recognized Libyan government has been under attack by Haftar's forces since April 2019, with more than 1,000 killed in the violence.

The government launched Operation Peace Storm in March to counter attacks on the capital and recently regained strategic locations, including Al-Watiya airbase and Tarhuna.