Ties with Turkish intel are uneasy: German spy chief

By Ayhan Simsek

BERLIN (AA) – The head of Germany’s domestic security agency said on Friday that while Turkish intelligence remained an important partner for them, Berlin is also concerned about its activities on German soil.

“Since the attempted coup last summer and the changes in Turkish domestic politics, our intelligence service considers Turkey not only a partner, but also an adversary, with regard to its influence operations in Germany,” Hans-Georg Maassen was quoted as saying by newsweekly Spiegel.

His remarks came amid heightened tensions between Turkey and Germany, which is home to 3 million Turkish immigrants.

Turkish leaders have sharply criticized Germany in recent months for not showing solidarity with Turkey against last year’s foiled coup attempt but instead harboring outlawed groups and terrorist organizations which are hostile to Turkey.

The Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), which organized the foiled coup in Turkey last year, has a large network in Germany, with dozens of private schools, businesses and media organizations in Germany.

Since the coup attempt, which martyred 250 people, nearly 4,000 FETO suspects have come to Germany from Turkey and other countries, according to local media reports.

Berlin has turned down Ankara’s request to outlaw the group, arguing that its members are not violating the country’s constitution.

Apart from FETO, the terrorist PKK group also has a large network in Germany and carries out significant propaganda, recruitment and funding activities.

The group has nearly 14,000 followers in the country, according to the BfV, Germany’s domestic intelligence agency.