Threat comes from strategic partners: Erdogan

By Cansu Dikme and Kubra Chohan

ANKARA (AA) – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday alleged that the U.S. and its allies supply weapons to terrorists for free, while refusing to sell them to Turkey.

In an interview to Turkish channel NTV, he said: “So where does the threat come from? It comes primarily from strategic partners.

“We cannot buy weapons from the U.S. with our money, but unfortunately, the U.S. and coalition forces give these weapons, this ammunition, to terrorist organizations for free.”

The U.S. has supported PYD/PKK, the Syrian offshoot of the PKK terror organization, that has waged a more than 30-year terror campaign against the Turkish state resulting in tens of thousands of deaths.

American support for the terror group has long vexed Ankara as Washington views the PYD/PKK-led SDF as a “reliable partner ” in its fight against Daesh and continues to provide it with arms and equipment in the face of strong objections by Turkey.

Speaking about the early election, Erdogan said the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party will continue its tenure if the nation wills, and will step down if it says “enough “.

The parliament on Friday passed a bill calling for early elections on June 24, with 386 lawmakers from both the ruling and opposition parties supporting the move.

The polls were expected to be held in November 2019.

In an April 2017 referendum, Turkish voters approved a bill switching Turkey from a parliamentary system to a presidential one.

Under the changes, the number of lawmakers in parliament rises to 600 from 550, presidential and parliamentary elections are to be held every five years, and presidents can retain ties to their political party. The post of the prime minister is also abolished.