Tanzania jails opposition MP for insulting president

By Kizito Makoye

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania (AA) – A Tanzanian opposition deputy was put behind bars Monday to serve his five-month prison sentence for insulting the country's president.

Opposition Chadema party lawmaker Joseph Mbilinyi — popularly known as Sugu — was convicted by a magistrate's court alongside Emmanuel Masonga, the party’s secretary for the Southern Highlands zone, for using “hate speech ” against President John Magufuli during a school visit last December.

Delivering the verdict, Michael Mteite, a senior resident magistrate at Mbeya Resident Magistrate Court, said the court proved “beyond reasonable doubt ” that the two uttered insulting words against Magufuli.

President Magufuli, who has garnered the praise of Western countries for his anti-corruption drive, is being accused by his opponents of becoming increasingly authoritarian, undermining democracy by curbing political activities and restricting free speech.