Syrian opposition urges more strikes on Assad regime

By Adham Kako

ANKARA (AA) – National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces (SNC) Friday called for continued strikes against Bashar al-Assad regime, after U.S. missile strikes on a Syrian military airbase early Friday.

SNC wrote on its social media account that Assad regime used airfield to kill civilians.

“We wish for continued strikes against the regime, which will prevent it [regime] to resume airstrikes and hit us with banned weapons,” SNC added.

SNC also said the base housed a special place to produce barrel bombs and rockets which carried chemical weapons and served Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

The U.S. fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian military air base American officials believe was used to carry out a deadly chemical attack Tuesday, the Pentagon confirmed.

The Tuesday’s chemical attack in northwestern Syria killed 100 people and injured around 500 others.

The missiles were fired from two U.S. destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean and hit the air base at approximately 3.45 a.m. Syrian local time Friday (0045GMT). Aircraft, hardened aircraft shelters, petroleum and logistical storage, ammunition supply bunkers, air defense systems, and radars were targeted, the Pentagon said.