Syrian capital residents suffer due to price increase

By Mohamad Misto and Selen Temizer

DAMASCUS, Syria (AA) – The opposition-controlled eastern Ghouta district, which is located in the Syrian capital Damascus, has faced huge price increases as a result of the regime siege and airstrikes in the last 45 days, local residents have told Anadolu Agency on Tuesday.

The price of food has increased 10-fold while fuel prices have been multiplied by eight.

East Ghouta, which has been under siege by forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and terrorist groups for four years, is one of the main districts subjected to the heaviest bombardments by the regime.

Approximately 500,000 people living in Eastern Ghouta attempt to meet their needs by using the tunnels dug around the Qaboun neighborhood, located in northeastern Damascus.

Making a deal with the regime, some traders in relatively calmer areas are able to sell goods, bought in Damascus, in eastern Ghouta.

However, access to the neighborhood has become difficult due of the fact that the regime has intensified its attacks.

Flour stocks have decreased and prices have risen accordingly. Bakeries are rare. Residents try to overcome the problem by sharing their flour with the owners of metal sheets who are able to produce more bread.

“Because of the fact that vegetable prices have increased dramatically, people prefer cheap vegetables. Potato and tomato prices have increased about 10-fold,” said Syrian Galib Mohammad, a grocer in the Douma neighborhood of eastern Ghouta.

Another resident Abdulhamid Mustafa, who sells fuel, complained that prices had been increasing constantly, thus preventing people from using vehicles.

“There are almost no cars on the streets, people prefer horses or handcarts,” he added.

Sair Misal, another grocer, said that the increase in fuel prices had an adverse effect on the other goods.

“Bakeries operate with fuel, we used to produce fuel thanks to plastics, but now we can’t find any,” he said.

“The electricity prices have risen too much as well, the situation has become unbearable,” he added.

Semir al-Sami, a resident in Saqba, said that he could provide his family with food until about 45 days ago.

“My salary is 15,000 Syrian pounds (70$), and it lasts for only four days to provide for my wife and two children, ” he said.

*Ali Murat Alhas contributed to this report from Ankara