Support for Scottish independence reaches record high

By Karim El-Bar

LONDON (AA) – Support for Scottish independence has reached an all-time high, according to a new poll released Wednesday.

The Panelbase poll shows 55% support for an independent Scotland, a precise reversal of the 2014 independence referendum result, where 55% voted to remain in the union and 45% in favor of independence.

The sustained support for independence comes several months after parliament passed Brexit into law, and comes as Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who hails from the separatist Scottish National Party, is widely perceived to have done better in handling the coronavirus pandemic than Conservative British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Sturgeon is pushing for a second independence referendum, and her party is on course to win the Scottish parliamentary election next year. Johnson has said he does not want a second independence vote.

The survey was commissioned by the pro-independence group Business for Scotland.

Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp, the group’s chief executive, said: “The reversal of the 2014 result is a huge landmark – 55% Yes will send shockwaves throughout the political world.

“There is no conclusion to draw from this new set of data other than the writing is very definitely on the wall for the union.”

“The referendum that will be demanded following May 2021 Holyrood [Scottish parliamentary] elections, on these figures, would start with Yes to independence commanding a 10% lead,” he added.

“Independence is now significantly the majority decision of the people of Scotland and its momentum looks solid.”

SNP depute leader Keith Brown said: “Boris Johnson's attempts to deny the right of the people to decide their own future is now utterly unsustainable.

“When we look at Boris Johnson's handling of coronavirus, and his Tory government's contempt for all things Scotland, it is no wonder that the majority of voters in Scotland want to make their own decisions on the future of our country.”

“With consecutive polls putting support for independence above 50%, it's clear this is not a trend but the established position of the Scottish electorate,” he added.

Johnson is currently on holiday in Scotland.