Soldiers seal off Ivory Coast`s second city

By Fulbert Yao and Issiaka N’guessan

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AA) – Gunmen have sealed off the main road into Bouake, Ivory Coast’s second city, in what is thought to be an army mutiny over pay, residents said Friday.

Armed men clad in military uniform have been seen roaming the city and gunshots were heard overnight, witnesses who asked to remain anonymous told Anadolu Agency by telephone.

“Shots began to be heard from around 1.30 a.m. [0130GMT] and continued until 9 a.m.,” a local said. “Police stations were attacked and weapons were stolen.”

Other witnesses said soldiers were also on the streets in the cities of Daloa and Korhogo and said barricades had been erected in all three areas.

“This is a mutiny fomented by former rebels that were integrated into the army and who are demanding the payment of… bonuses,” a source close to the former rebellion in Bouake said.

An on-off 10-year civil war ended in April last year and the rebels were merged into the military.

According to soldiers contacted by Anadolu Agency, a bonus promised in 2007 never materialized.